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Aiden Smith Blog

Health, Travel and Software

How Much Time Does It Take To Implement ERP

By Aiden Smith at 2012-07-09 23:46:57
ERP implementation depends on many factors including size of the company and ERP application which make it almost impossible to say that how long does it takes to implement ERP. In some cases it may take few months while in some it may go on for years. ERP is implemented to streamline functioning of entire organization and integrate all the processes and departments, the major benefit of ERP is that it collates and integrates entire organizational data into one single repository and on demand produce it in clear and logically structured format, ERP is implemented to allow the management to see organization as a whole and not in distinct parts.

All of these tasks can be accomplished by proper implementation of ERP and only after bringing all the processes and departments under the software. This step in implementation process requires deep analysis of manual working of the organization and also customization of ERP so that it can be implemented without making big changes in the work flow. If size of the company is large and it has many employees, processes and units working at different locations understanding its present working can be time-consuming and so can be customization of ERP. Due to such reasons it is extremely difficult to say that how long it takes to implement ERP.

Technical problems also make duration of implementation highly unpredictable. Companies use different small software for doing their daily tasks, these software has their own databases which contain crucial data. Merging these systems into ERP or linking the databases with large database of ERP can be very troublesome for technical consultants sometimes. The problems arise when different technologies used to develop these software and the technology of ERP is difficult to interlink or merge. Such issues can arise at anytime and can take lot of time before getting sorted out. These issues slow down the implementation process and it may take long to implement ERP.

Cultural resistance is another problem which can create unnecessary delays and it might take long to implement ERP than expected. People do not accept change readily on the other hand ERP implementation is all about making changes in the present working to increase efficiency and cut out redundant processes. Not only staff, reluctance to change is seen even in the management of the company sometimes. This hesitancy can cause unaccounted delays and prolong the duration of implementation. Mostly such problems occur with the companies where management is under-prepared for ERP implementation. Due to these problems it is very difficult to say that how long it may take to implement ERP.

There are some other problems which keep on creeping up even in the case of companies who have planned well and beforehand. Insufficient budget is one such problem, due to delays the duration of implementation increases which can consume more funds than allocated and create insufficiency of funds. Incapable staff of ERP providing company is another problem which can delay the process immeasurably. Change in the business plans can force the consultants to restudy the business and work flow which causes delays in implementation. Due to these reasons and few others the question that how long does it take to implement ERP has remained unanswered so far.

Read about ERP Implementation Best Practices. Also know Oracle ERP Software Review. Read about SAP ERP Software Review.
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